Hi Friend!
I have a confession to make.
Spirit guided me to do some MAJOR internal clean up and it's been f*cking intense!!!!
I've been in a deep portal of shadow-work, in the muck of my saturn-return, having existential crisis episodes AND quite literally, purging a ton of ancestral trauma, un-true stories and feeling into the depths of painful memories to break curses within my lineage ONCE AND FOR ALL!
I've had to surrender over and over again and you know whatt??
This chapter of life has really helped me learn HOW TO TRUST my own process. My aquarius nature of rebellion against the hustle culture allowed me to truly rest and reflect on my life, AND having slowed way, wayyyy down... I feel like I've been rewarded with so much inner wisdom and healing for honoring everything I've faced.
It wasn't easy though... I had to put myself first and follow my gut instinct to take a break from "working", which meant less money AND MORE DISCOMFORT and that humbled me out REAL QUICK!! 😅
I cold-pluged into in-person communities where I had more mirrors AND more support to un-learn, more opportunities to RECIEVE and more opportunities to LÖVE.
& GIRL WHEN I TELL YOU how many times my ego had to freakin' DIE
just to open my heart again and again 😭
omg... so cringe but truuuuuuue... lol
Through that though... want to know the ONE thing that kept me sane?
What helped me keep going while I redefined everything I was taught?
The gentle constant between my highs and lows???
I've been producing my own music, releasing it out into the world, singing to myself and the land, bangin' on my drums, painting, drawing, writing poems and putting all my emotions into my ART.
This darker period of my life initiated me into the CREATRIX I AM, who shares unapologetically, expresses, sings, dances, weeps and roars, knowing the beauty + sacredness of it all.
I continue to experience how potent creatrix-medicine is through artistic-self-expression and how it can support ANYONE who needs to release pent-up energy!
The CREATRIX can help to process really challenging emotions, surrender and let things flow when we become rigid or when we are hurting...
You know those painful memories you feel on a soul level but have no words to describe???
That's what making art is really good for..
The inner Creatrix supports my messy healing process.
She gives me the courage to express my truth even while my voice is shaking and i feel nervous as heckkkk, to scream, to strengthen my faith in the unseen, cry like a little baby, break patterns and she reminds me to SING.
She keeps me connected to my inner child, where I can play and see what little-me needs...
The relationship I've built with Creatrix energy helps me get out of my head and drops me into presence, flow, creation - where I can actually come home to myself again and again and again...
This relationship to the Creatrix + healing is what I call ARTISTIC ALCHEMY.
It has been BY FAR one of my most healthy, gentle and supportive tools for ALL the emotional things that are hard to describe or understand...
And for someone like me who struggles to find the words - Art is really important for my mental health.
It continues to be an outlet for me to release and just feel without attachments or getting stuck in the analytical mind.
This is how I maintain my SANITY as a highly sensitive starseed / multidimensional, Earth-loving, galactic soul who feels literally everything...
& now, having honored the time I've needed to learn, integrate and be with myself...
It is time for me to come out of the cocoon and share my Creatrix magic with you.
Because there is a CREATRIX + ARTISTIC ALCHEMIST that lives within YOU TOO.
"A Creatrix is deeply connected to herself as a Woman and the Feminine Source of Creative power.
She gives rise to desires, gives birth to ideas and life of all kinds.
She dreams courageously and trusts so deeply in the intrinsic co~creative connection she shares with the Divine and the Natural World.
She nurtures herself, those around her and the planet.
She is the guardian and protector of the magical essence of life.
She understands that without darkness there is no light.
To be a Master Creatrix, she accepts that the power of owning her shadow-side and being vulnerable IS the superpower of living
freely, fully and creatively."
- Michelle, Goddess Flow
Here's what I've learned through my own
You don't need external validation,
You're only tired of this dimension because you've drifted away from
You know you have so much to share and it's time to forgive those who made you feel small.
You are done dimming your light for others...
It's time to start sharing your gifts!
You are ready for the full-body-chills REMEMBRANCE of who the f*ck you are AND what you came here to do.
& you know doing it alone will only get you so far... 🥺
We need community and a sense of belonging here on Earth..
But we only want to be in a community that ACTUALLY FEELS SAFE...
Where YOU CAN open your heart up
Where YOU CAN find others you authentically relate to on a deeper level...
Where YOU CAN sing, get your hands dirty, move your body....
Where YOU CAN be weird, be cosmic, be wild and untamed.
Where YOU CAN learn more about WHO YOU ARE
Where YOU CAN feel grounded and in tune with your own path
Where YOU CAN receive the support, love and celebration you deserve.
Because when you genuinely feel SAFE, you CAN
I know this is all possible because I AM A LIVING TESTIMONY.
& if you resonate with these words that are pouring from my heart + onto this page, then keep on reading...
I want to introduce you to AYAA (pro-nounced "a-yaa")...
AYAA is a bridge for Light Work & Shadow Work to come into balance in a gentle way. It is an artistic home and safe-haven for self-expression and a chamber for transmutation. AYAA does not run from shadow and will support with pain, grief, anger, sadness and the pitfalls within the density of Gaia. It serves as a beacon of light + a platform for balancing energetics by cultivating safety within. Allowing unconditional love to be a catalyst for the movement + release of stagnation. AYAA is here to remind us of the goodness, joy and beauty that is all around us.
It is a deep feeling-experience and not logical or analytical at all. It is a space for those who are rigid, stuck in the mind and stuck in reasoning to break out of black and white polarity and invite color back into their lives again. The experience is ceremonial, playful, focused on the individual and done so within a group space. The group offers and plays a key part in the experience, as each creatrix serves as a muse, a mirror and a pillar for AYAA.
Every creatrix is deeply valued, honored, revered, talented, gifted, beautiful, special, needed and offers something different that each creatrix needs. The pillars and bridges of the circle all interlink for the whole to continue cycling. In our AYAA circle, each being is essential and Divine. Each carries such potent codes and inspiration in their journey and embodiment. Each is important.
The group as a whole, will create waves of healing light, through magical art, songs, poetry, expression, dancing and this will be felt in the collective. Healing and alchemy through the arts will be directly sent through their lineages and all connections in order for greater good to be experienced on this planet. This is beautiful gridwork and fun, it brings a sense of belonging, joy and purpose into each Creatrix life and all those around them can feel the change in their soul-essence as they journey through AYAA and beyond.
HÖW is AYAA structured?
This is a mentorship program that uses a ceremonial approach, creative artistic modalities, sharing circles, and education in a hands-on, interactive, experiential way.
WHAT will I learn in AYAA?
Teachings include the alchemy of elements, energy centers and mind + body connection tools that support regulating the nervous system, identifying limiting stories and how to cultivate safety to express your true authentic soul that feels supportive to all parts of you.
We use a full spectrum of artistic mediums as our method for learning, which helps to build new connections in our mind, body & spirit. We believe ART can serve as an ally and support system to witness, express, feel and transmute more difficult emotions such as anxiety, fear, grief, ect... We will honor both the Light of Joy, Fun & PLAY with the truth of what we feel, face and wish to release - all with love and gentleness.
Medium: Drawing
Element: Earth
Practice: Journeying into self, connecting with + listening to our body, establishing safety from within
MUSE: The Golden Womb
Medium: Voice + Touch
Element: Water
Practice: Somatic practices, connecting with our internal waters, womb clearing ceremony
MUSE: The Pheonix
Medium: Dance / Movement
Element: Fire
Practice: Ecstatic Dance, moving meditation for discovering our boundaries, energetic release and liberation
MUSE: The Heart
Medium: Poetry + storytelling
Element: Air
Practice: Creative writing, human connection, opening the heart, giving and receiving love
MUSE: The Songstress
Medium: Song + Voice
Element: Ether
Practice: Vocal exploration, Light Language Activation + sanctuary, Soul Song circle
MUSE: Your Inner Child
Medium: Painting
Element: Light
Practice: Reconnecting with our inner child's wisdom, finding clarity + deepening understanding of self
MUSE: Your Soul
Medium: Communication
Element: Thought
Practice: Being seen in your authentic self-expression, communicating from the heart center and the power of prayer
Hi! I'm Sharon aka ESU (e - sue) aka Share The Light
Yes, I go by many names 😅 #multidimensionalAF
If you're just discovering me, let me share a little bit about my background and how I even got here..
My path into healing work began with confronting my own pain in life, from childhood, teenhood and adult life - I've had my own fair share of panic attacks, severe anxiety and chapters of depression.
I've always been an a highly sensitive empath and received what I call my "Light Warrior" training during my time working as manager of a Partial Hospitalization Program & Intensive Out-patient Care program for primary mental health.
There, I gained a good amount of experience-points in how to carefully and tenderly work with patients who have experienced major traumatic events or struggled with intense mental health issues. It was extremely challenging for me as someone who feels literally EVERYTHING, but it gave me the tools and practices I needed to learn how to manage, clear and protect my own energy - and how to tend to those who are really struggling.
Now, I'm not a licensed therapist, but I've been lucky enough to learn + pick the brains from actual licensed therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, registered dieticians and other highly trained specialists in the mental health field.
Now, right before the pandemic hit in 2020, I activated my Light Language! It was like a huge BOOM BANG POW activation! I was slingshoted into a major soul remembrance and awakened my galactic DNA codes. I began receiving many activations, clearings, communicating with my galactic guides, angels, and started to remember my soul's mission for this very potent shift in consciousness on Earth.
I was guided to leave the corporate world and serve the collective in my own way, through sharing my Light Language, group offerings, teachings and retreats! I've been in service to the 'Share The Light' community as an Artist, Ceremonialist, Healer and Teacher since March 2020 and have been devoted to combining my love for mental health, spirituality and creative arts to help others who are just like me - the sensitive starseeds with big hearts and passion to help raise the collective consciousness!!
My free time is spent making music, being in nature, sun bathing with my cat Binx or traveling for my own spiritual work. I somehow stumble into doing lots of random cool stuff - like leading CE-5 meditations in the middle of no where, working with the energy grids on Gaia or occasionally being featured in documentaries about UFO's haha (you can find me on Discovery Channel: Alien Encounters Declassified)
I am also a deeply devoted student and High Priestess at the Sekhem Rememembrance Mystery School, where I continue to study & practice the ways of the Heart, Connection to Spirit and the Ancient Egyptian Alkhemies. I've learned so much about my medicine as a healer, how to safely work with energy, how to heal and hold space for myself and truly master my own energy field - which is a life-long practice!
Thank you to my ongoing Mentor, Khem Reyall, Sekhem Remembrance Mystery School
Thank you to my Meditation + Mindfulness Teacher, Dr. Itai Ivtzan, The School of Positive Transformation
Thank you to Graham Nichols my Instructor of Emotional & Behavioral Therapies (EFT) at The Priority Academy.
Thank you to my music teacher Scarlette De La Torre &
Thank you to my greatest teachers, Mama Gaia, Great Spirit & all of Life.
AYAA includes 10 LIVE interactive zoom calls facilitated by Share The Light. Each session will be recorded and available for replay via email.
Every Wednesday, alternating between 3PM Pacific Standard Time and 11AM Pacific Standard Time.
First session TBA 2024
Last session TBA 2024
Each class will run for about 2-3 hours with breaks.
You will receive an email reminder before each call.
You will get the session replay 1-2 hours after the class ends via email.
Curious about your time zone? Use this link to convert Pacific Standard Time to your time zone :)
Access to AYAA telegram group chat to check in, share, ask questions and post your art, videos and connect with the community outside of class
10 Artistic Alchemy prompts + muse's that will invoke personal reflection, self discovery + healings through art. Sessions may include energetic clearings, activations, lectures, Q+A, group discussion and will move in an intuitive flow.
Classes will include tools + practices, guided meditations, EFT, somatic techniques and experiences that you can use to support yourself for life
Payment plans are split into 2 equal payments. After your first payment, your last and final payment will be one month after your date of purchase.
This round of AYAA will be held specifically for women + non-binary people (she/her/they/them)
AYAA is made to be accessible at a pay-what-supports-you tiered pricing in service to our community.
We wish to help to create a conscious, intentional and value-aligned culture of payment. Please read the following criteria for our sliding scale options below and determine which price is appropriate for you.
TIER 1 - $999
If you have access to financial security, own property, or have personal savings;
if you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life;
if you have economic privilege and power in our community, this price is for you.
By choosing this price, you are “paying it forward” and contributing to a more equitable world by supporting course access for those with less.
TIER 2 - $666
You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have access to steady income.
You do NOT spend most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc.
Making this investment might mean you might have to cut back on some discretionary spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, buying a new outfit, or going on vacation), but the sacrifice is short-term, and will not harm you in the long term.
TIER 3 - $333
You have access to basic needs such as food, housing, and childcare, though sometimes it may feel difficult.
You are able to put away money each month to save up to be able to pay for the program, but the middle tier price would mean that you have to save for longer than 12 months.
Please be mindful that if you opt into a lower price when you can truthfully afford a higher price, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility.
If buying this mentorship means making short-term sacrifices, having to get creative, or asking others for financial support, but does not actually jeopardize your safety, we ask that you use those resources before using the sliding scale, which will limit opportunities for others.
You being honest about your financial situation helps us to grow a healthy and sustainable community.
This model of pricing was inspired by by the The Green Bottle from Worts + Cunning and Simone Grace Seol of Joyful Marketing.
Equal Opportunity Scholarship
Those who are traditionally marginalized from the mainstream coaching/self development/healing world, that is:
People who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQIA+, disabled, those in countries with an unfavorable exchange rate, and/or in a language other than English, are especially encouraged to apply.
This is our way of investing in a world where EVERY being gets to receive supportive teachings and experiences to help them in their life in this world, so that we can de-couple mental health support & success from the effects of financial inequity.
Thank you Simone Grace Soul for this language.
Trying something new can feel intimidating, scary and outside of our comfort zone. Our heart always knows if something is good for us and our mind will try to rationalize/ over-think or our fear can try to convince us not to change. If you feel a call to join but also feel a bit scared - it's okay... it's totally normal!
You are welcome to be your full self and we welcome you to come in as you are.
& if you need a little support before making a decision,
Take a few moments to breathe and center yourself in your heart.
Close your eyes and feel into your body, not the mind.
If it feels right to join us, listen to that internal guidance!